A weekend with 2 boys is quite fun. A train to start, with black, breath holding tunnels, opening to a swirling river on the right. A trip to the snack car became an immediate necessity by nature. This created an adventure of its own as we precariously stepped across the threshold. " Look down and run " were the words of urgency or possibly emergency. Never the less the snack on the train presented itself with a different flavor. When you eat dorritos on a fast train they taste so much better, you know and the crunch is even much louder. The train conductor held our attention with utmost respect, tickets, paper and pen in hand. The seriousness was quickly replaced with giggles and laughter as he moved passed the boys wiggling impatiently in their seats. "When are we getting there, when, when," they asked. "Next stop, I hope!" he said. We all laughed and looked at the boys.
It was a hot, sunny weekend. A boat, a pool, a golf cart, beds to jump on, (only once), horses, spiders and their large, sticky webs, deer, and only one fist fight. One fist fight fight on the steps. It's really OK to be afraid of spiders, but don't make fun. This warranted a seat on the couch, facing each other, until the smiles broke through . No time at all and they were up and running. Thats how boys really are.
GREAT pics Barb! I'm making the shady lane pic my deskop :)
Since Nikki commented, I can't be out done. Love the pics. Keep up the blogging, you blogger you!!
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